Ritual in the Rote

Photo by Ben Kolde on Unsplash

Photo by Ben Kolde on Unsplash

Intention is a person’s design. Don’t you just love the sound of that? Intention, the energy that infuses our actions. How often do you stop to intentionally design what you do? Setting intentions does not have to be elaborate. In fact it can only take a moment. How do you want your mornings to feel? You may live alone or in a house full of noise with small humans who need wrangling.

In either scenario you can design how you engage with your space. If your intention is for peace in the midst of chaos. How might you invite that in? Could you get up when the house is still sleeping and make the tea or coffee (better yet program your maker to start brewing before you even wake). Take a moment to notice the scent of the coffee, reach into the cupboard for your favorite mug, light a candle, sit facing a window that has a tree outside it or a plant perched on your windowsill. Take 3 slow, deep breaths and imagine yourself in a bubble that allows you to be in the stillness. Time contracts and expands with our attention. If you want to feel engaged rediscover what engages you.

First the intention. Then the attention. Infuse your routine with ritual. It will change your life.